Tuesday 3 March 2015


Today I began reading Romans. In this first chapter one word jumped out at me - appointed. Paul was describing how Jesus was appointed, but I felt God say that I am appointed too.
I decided to look up what the word appointed meant. In the dictionary it's described as, 'Officially chosen for a job or responsibility'. This is amazing - God has chosen a job for me and given me the responsibility to do it. It is official, it has the royal stamp of approval, my life is by royal request.
What is also awesome about this word is that God has chosen a job for everyone on this planet! BUT...It is up to each individual to 'pick up their mat and walk' or in other words, accept their appointment and choose to follow God and therefore follow their calling.
We all have a role to play in this world. Whatever that role is we are called to bring glory to God in every situation. Our lives should be lived as an act of worship to God. What are you appointed to do? If you don't know then the answer is only a prayer away - know that God has called you, he has chosen you and he has appointed you! 

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