Thursday 5 March 2015

Full beam!

Today I read Romans 2:17-29. In this passage Paul is writing explaining that circumcision is an outward sign and that even though it is a good thing, it is not the only thing, it's not the most important thing. He tells us that what is going on inside is far more important.
After reading this passage, God reminded me of the passage in 1 Samuel where David was anointed. It says that man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. What state is my heart in today? Is it full on for Jesus or is it on and off like a light switch?
When thinking about this a little more, God gave me a picture of a headlight. If we switch it one notch it is half beam, then if we switch it a second notch it goes to full beam. I need to make sure that my beam is set to full and not dim. Christianity is not something that we can just pick up when we choose, it's about living each day for Christ and shining our lights for him. It's not about our religion, it's about loving others as Christ loves us. I want to make sure that my light shines brightly, and that others see the heart of God in me. 

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