Sunday 8 March 2015


This evening I sat and read the first part of Romans 4. In the beginning of this chapter Paul talks about the faith of Abraham. Verse 8 jumped out at me where he writes, 'Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against him.'
What an amazing scripture, an awesome promise. God doesn't count my sin against me because of the cross.
While reading this verse God gave me a picture of a rubber erasing sin. Our sin is wiped away by the blood of Christ. This is a really powerful picture - God getting a giant eraser and rubbing out the rubbish in my life.
When I was little I had a giant rubber that said on it 'for big mistakes'. This rubber was so big it wouldn't fit in my pencil case. I never really used it because it was too big really. However, God chooses to use the most precious thing to him to erase my mistakes, his Son. I feel so privileged to know that the God of heaven, loves me so much that he wipes away all my mistakes FOREVER. 

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