Wednesday 18 March 2015

Where are your feet?

I haven't written my blog for a few days and to be honest I was getting a little bored. I felt that I was forcing the issue so the last few days I've kept my pictures to myself. However today I feel that I would like to share my picture just in case it could help someone else.
This morning while praying God gave me a picture of a single footprint in the sand with my foot just about to step into it. This reminded me of the famous poem of footprints in the sand. However that is not what God was showing me. He was showing me one footprint and my foot.
I thought about this and God showed me what he was saying. He revealed to me that the footprint belonged to Jesus and that the foot about to step into the print was mine. He told me that I have to step where Jesus steps, so I am following his lead, but only where he has been before. 
I think this is an amazing picture. Where are my footprints heading? Are they following someone else or are they following Jesus? Am I just going round and round in circles following my own steps? I want to follow the steps of Jesus. I want to make sure that my steps are in line with his. 
What about you? Where do your feet land? Are you in sink or are you going around in circles? Think about it...pray about it...follow Jesus. It's a simple as that!

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