Saturday 14 February 2015


Today my reading was Philippians 1. This is an amazing chapter in the Bible and while I was reading it on my iPad one word became highlighted. I don't usually take any notice when this happens, but this morning I did as it was such an amazing word - Delivered.
I prayed that God would give me a picture that went with this word, and the picture he showed me was of a hand lifting up a person.
Deliver means a few different things - to deliver a verdict, to deliver a blow, BUT God delivers in a different way - he sets us free, he delivers us from evil! Through God's delivery we are set free from the burden of sin. Praise God!
What an honour to be delivered, chosen, forgiven, loved, redeemed, blessed, saved and Spirit filled. I serve an amazing God who has delivered me from sin not because I deserve it but because he loves me.
I love the fact that God shows me things each day that are so relevant to my life, it astonishes me. These pictures speak to me personally, and to be able to share them is such a blessing. If you are reading this please know that you are/can be delivered if you know/choose Jesus as your Saviour. 

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