Sunday 8 February 2015 too!

At church this morning we were doing a session on the persecuted church with the children. I was praying for the session as I knew that it was not going an easy subject to tackle with any age group especially those so young. I wanted the children to enjoy their time, but also understand that for many children in this world being a Christian is not easy.
God gave me a picture this morning which sums this fact up - a picture of a heart being pierced with a nail. He told me that when we hurt, he hurts too.
What an awesome God we serve. He loves us so much that when we are sad, he is sad, when we feel bad he knows our feelings and understands our situation.
Whatever I am going through - God is there. Whatever you are going through - God is there. 
So often I hear people saying if there is a god then how can he make this happen or that happen. All I will say in response to this is:
1. If you ask this question and you don't believe in God - then you shouldn't ask this question. By asking this question you are proving that God is real! THINK ABOUT IT - you wouldn't ask a question about things that are not real!
2. God doesn't make things happen - BUT he does allow things to happen - there is a difference! 
3. God feels our pain! 
Remember whatever you are going through - you are not alone. Jesus is only a prayer away!

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