Thursday 19 February 2015


This morning I was reading James 2. In this chapter James tells us to treat everyone with respect and not just those who are rich. While reading this God gave me a picture that I was a little confused by, it was a picture of a slatted fence.
This picture didn't seem to fit with anything, until God said these words, "see others through the eyes of Jesus, see yourself through the eyes of Jesus". 
If you stand a look through a slatted fence you can't see the whole picture, not until you go up close and look through the gap. Once you look through the gap you can see the whole picture. 
When we look at situations and others through our own eyes we often miss the point. We don't know the full picture and can often see things from a selfish point of view. Although, when we look at others through the eyes of Jesus we see them with love and compassion, and God will help us to see things clearly and selflessly. Equally, when we look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus, we understand who we are meant to be, we see how much God loves us and what our role is in this world. We become less selfish and instead become more loving all round.
I want to see things through Jesus eyes. I want a Godly perspective on my life. Please God let me see things as you see them. Let me love like you love, and let me be what you've called me to be.
Maybe if you are reading this you need to pray the same prayer. Maybe you need to see yourself as God sees you? Just ask God to get a different perspective, take a closer look and move nearer to the fence.

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