Friday 27 February 2015

Stand firm!

Today's reading for me was 1 Peter 5, however I didn't read my Bible until later today and to be honest I think this had a baring on how I've felt today. Anyway, In this chapter Peter warns us that the devil 'prowls around like a roaring lion.' He writes that we must 'resist him, standing firm in the faith.' 
God showed me this part of the passage and gave me a picture of a person standing firm, much like the picture here.
This morning I chose to delay my Bible reading. This meant that throughout the day I felt unprepared. I kept thinking about the fact that I hadn't read the Bible and to be honest I hadn't really prayed very much either. This caused me a problem - I was giving the devil a reason to pick on me, I was giving the devil ammunition to fire at me.
I'm not saying that the first thing we do each day is read the Bible, but I've found that if I don't start the day in this manner, that the rest of the day doesn't feel right. In order to stand firm in my faith and resist the devil, the only thing I can do is spend time with God, in his presence and reading his word. 
My prayer is that I do exactly this - stand firm, follow God and listen to his Spirit guiding me in his ways and therefore not give the devil a chance to nag at me. 

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