Thursday 26 February 2015

God's name on your heart...

Today I read 1 Peter 4. In this chapter we are told to be 'faithful stewards of God's grace in various forms.' We are encouraged to serve one another and love one another in order to bring glory to God.
The picture that God gave me today didn't happen very quickly, but instead bit by bit. I felt that God wanted me to see it appear. The picture was of a heart with God's name written on it, which I believe is how we are in our Christian walk.
When we become Christians first, God's name is put on our hearts, but only through spending time with him and learning about him does the name become clearer. It's as though the deeper we go with God, the deeper he enters our hearts.
I believe that God was showing me that the closer we get to him, the more others will see his imprint in our lives. 
I know that I haven't got it right yet, but my prayer is that my heart reveals God in my life each day, and that I will leave a godly imprint wherever I go.

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