Monday 9 February 2015


This morning I read from my favourite letter in the Bible - Ephesians. While reading chapter 2 the Lord showed me a picture of some bricks being built into a wall. As the wall grew I could see a word at the base of the wall which said Jesus. This reminded me of a song - cornerstone.
I believe God was showing me that my life must be built on Jesus. As Christians we must have firm foundations and the only way to do this is by looking to Jesus in all things. 
When we choose to follow Christ, we must build our lives on Jesus. Without doing this our lives will be like the man who built his house on sand - wobbly!
I want to live for Jesus in every aspect of my life - the good bits, the bad bits and everything in between.
Let's live our lives for Jesus today, lets make sure that we have firm foundations and not wobbly ones. Make Jesus the cornerstone of our lives today.

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