Saturday 21 February 2015

God breathes...

Today I read James 4. In this passage James warns that we need to be careful what we ask for and especially the manner we ask for it. We should be careful that we are not asking God for things with the wrong motives.
While reflecting on this, God 
showed me a really vibrant picture of the breath of God going into someones mouth. But then he also showed me a second picture which was disturbing. It was of a Harry Potter dementor sucking the life from someone, which is described in the books as a kiss.
These pictures are worlds apart. God breathes life in and the dementor takes life out. 
This made me think about James 4, what do these pictures have to do with this reading? When we ask for the things of this world for our own benefit, so often these things are a disappointment and end up sucking the very life from us. In contrast, God wants us to have 'life in all its fullness.' Therefore we need to ask God to breath his life into every aspect of our lives. 
I pray that God will breathe his breath into every aspect of my life today - and not let the cares and worries of this world become like a dementor.

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