Wednesday 18 March 2015

Where are your feet?

I haven't written my blog for a few days and to be honest I was getting a little bored. I felt that I was forcing the issue so the last few days I've kept my pictures to myself. However today I feel that I would like to share my picture just in case it could help someone else.
This morning while praying God gave me a picture of a single footprint in the sand with my foot just about to step into it. This reminded me of the famous poem of footprints in the sand. However that is not what God was showing me. He was showing me one footprint and my foot.
I thought about this and God showed me what he was saying. He revealed to me that the footprint belonged to Jesus and that the foot about to step into the print was mine. He told me that I have to step where Jesus steps, so I am following his lead, but only where he has been before. 
I think this is an amazing picture. Where are my footprints heading? Are they following someone else or are they following Jesus? Am I just going round and round in circles following my own steps? I want to follow the steps of Jesus. I want to make sure that my steps are in line with his. 
What about you? Where do your feet land? Are you in sink or are you going around in circles? Think about it...pray about it...follow Jesus. It's a simple as that!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Relationship not religion!

Today I read James 1. In this chapter James gives really good advice to anyone wanting to follow Jesus -to be careful what we say, or in others words...keep your mouth in check.
Very often the first contact that people have with us is through speech. When we talk do we speak in a godly manner or are we speaking in religious jargon stopping others from understanding? Do we speak in judgement or are we a voice of love?
While thinking about this I felt God speak to me very clearly about what it means to follow Jesus. 
God showed me some words:
If this is the case, then I should show that love to others not only in my actions, but with the words that come from my lips.
If we are to act on James' advice, we need to make sure that following Jesus is about him being our Saviour and not just about visiting a building once a week as a religious tradition. Following Jesus is not a religion - it is a relationship.    

Sunday 8 March 2015


This evening I sat and read the first part of Romans 4. In the beginning of this chapter Paul talks about the faith of Abraham. Verse 8 jumped out at me where he writes, 'Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against him.'
What an amazing scripture, an awesome promise. God doesn't count my sin against me because of the cross.
While reading this verse God gave me a picture of a rubber erasing sin. Our sin is wiped away by the blood of Christ. This is a really powerful picture - God getting a giant eraser and rubbing out the rubbish in my life.
When I was little I had a giant rubber that said on it 'for big mistakes'. This rubber was so big it wouldn't fit in my pencil case. I never really used it because it was too big really. However, God chooses to use the most precious thing to him to erase my mistakes, his Son. I feel so privileged to know that the God of heaven, loves me so much that he wipes away all my mistakes FOREVER. 

Thursday 5 March 2015

Full beam!

Today I read Romans 2:17-29. In this passage Paul is writing explaining that circumcision is an outward sign and that even though it is a good thing, it is not the only thing, it's not the most important thing. He tells us that what is going on inside is far more important.
After reading this passage, God reminded me of the passage in 1 Samuel where David was anointed. It says that man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. What state is my heart in today? Is it full on for Jesus or is it on and off like a light switch?
When thinking about this a little more, God gave me a picture of a headlight. If we switch it one notch it is half beam, then if we switch it a second notch it goes to full beam. I need to make sure that my beam is set to full and not dim. Christianity is not something that we can just pick up when we choose, it's about living each day for Christ and shining our lights for him. It's not about our religion, it's about loving others as Christ loves us. I want to make sure that my light shines brightly, and that others see the heart of God in me. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015


Today I began reading Romans. In this first chapter one word jumped out at me - appointed. Paul was describing how Jesus was appointed, but I felt God say that I am appointed too.
I decided to look up what the word appointed meant. In the dictionary it's described as, 'Officially chosen for a job or responsibility'. This is amazing - God has chosen a job for me and given me the responsibility to do it. It is official, it has the royal stamp of approval, my life is by royal request.
What is also awesome about this word is that God has chosen a job for everyone on this planet! BUT...It is up to each individual to 'pick up their mat and walk' or in other words, accept their appointment and choose to follow God and therefore follow their calling.
We all have a role to play in this world. Whatever that role is we are called to bring glory to God in every situation. Our lives should be lived as an act of worship to God. What are you appointed to do? If you don't know then the answer is only a prayer away - know that God has called you, he has chosen you and he has appointed you! 

Monday 2 March 2015

Patient heart...

Today I read 2 Peter chapter 3. In this chapter Peter warns us once again of what is going to happen. He explains that God is patient and doesn't want anyone to perish.
God showed me how he is not just patient, but he loves us so much that the reason for his patience is that love.
The verse that kept recurring in my mind was from 1 Corinthians 13 which says, 'Love is patient, love is kind, it does not boast, it is not proud.'
Imagine the creator of the universe loving us so much that he chooses to be patient with us. 
The great news about this is that God loves everyone, even those who don't believe in him. He loves those that do bad things, he loves those who say he's not real and he loves me.
Over the last few months at church we've be thinking about having a heart that beats in sync with God's. If we are going to have God's heartbeat then we need to be patient too. That is quite a challenge. I know that I am not the most patient of people. I pray that my heart beats so in sync with God's that I too become loving enough to be patient - because after all - love is patient!

Sunday 1 March 2015


Today I read 2 Peter 2. In this chapter Peter warns us of what happens to those who disobey God. This is not an easy chapter to read. It speaks of fallen angels, the punished cities of Sodom and Gomoraah as well as those who suffered in the flood.
There is good news though as all day God has been showing me in various ways that I have a hope in him that is unbreakable. 
This morning at Kids Worship we were talking about hope, this evening during the evening service we were thinking about the different words that describe Jesus, and he is my hope jumped out at me from the list of names.
So what does this mean for me? It means that no matter what is going on around me, I have hope. It means that no matter how I feel, I have hope. It means that no matter whether I am happy or sad - I have hope. The hymn that keeps recurring in my head is this, 'my hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus love and righteousness.'
If you are reading this today and feel hopeless - turn to Jesus the one who is hope. He restores all hope to our lives, in any situation.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Listen up...

Today's reading was 2 Peter 1. In this chapter Peter encourages us. In verse 19 he writes, We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in the dark.
After reading this verse God gave me a clear picture of someone listening upwards. Then the words, 'listen up!' came to mind. 
Over the last few months I have been asking God for pictures each day, and writing about some of them. This is such a privilege, but if I'm bot going to do anything with them then I am missing the point. I need to pay attention not just to the picture but to what the pictures mean to me. What is God saying to me? What does he want me to take notice of? I need to pay attention and then shine my light.
What is God saying to you today? When was the last time you heard his voice? Maybe you might be reading this and answering that God doesn't speak to you...well I have news for you - HE DOES, YOU ARE JUST NOT LISTENING! YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!
Why not spend some time just listening to what the Spirit of God wants to say. He will speak, you just need to pay attention. 

Friday 27 February 2015

Stand firm!

Today's reading for me was 1 Peter 5, however I didn't read my Bible until later today and to be honest I think this had a baring on how I've felt today. Anyway, In this chapter Peter warns us that the devil 'prowls around like a roaring lion.' He writes that we must 'resist him, standing firm in the faith.' 
God showed me this part of the passage and gave me a picture of a person standing firm, much like the picture here.
This morning I chose to delay my Bible reading. This meant that throughout the day I felt unprepared. I kept thinking about the fact that I hadn't read the Bible and to be honest I hadn't really prayed very much either. This caused me a problem - I was giving the devil a reason to pick on me, I was giving the devil ammunition to fire at me.
I'm not saying that the first thing we do each day is read the Bible, but I've found that if I don't start the day in this manner, that the rest of the day doesn't feel right. In order to stand firm in my faith and resist the devil, the only thing I can do is spend time with God, in his presence and reading his word. 
My prayer is that I do exactly this - stand firm, follow God and listen to his Spirit guiding me in his ways and therefore not give the devil a chance to nag at me. 

Thursday 26 February 2015

God's name on your heart...

Today I read 1 Peter 4. In this chapter we are told to be 'faithful stewards of God's grace in various forms.' We are encouraged to serve one another and love one another in order to bring glory to God.
The picture that God gave me today didn't happen very quickly, but instead bit by bit. I felt that God wanted me to see it appear. The picture was of a heart with God's name written on it, which I believe is how we are in our Christian walk.
When we become Christians first, God's name is put on our hearts, but only through spending time with him and learning about him does the name become clearer. It's as though the deeper we go with God, the deeper he enters our hearts.
I believe that God was showing me that the closer we get to him, the more others will see his imprint in our lives. 
I know that I haven't got it right yet, but my prayer is that my heart reveals God in my life each day, and that I will leave a godly imprint wherever I go.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

What does my heart look like?

This morning I read 1 Peter 3. In this chapter Peter warns women especially not to worry about their appearance but to behave in a godly manner. He even suggest that when women do this their non-believing husbands will change their minds and believe. I know this is my simple way of looking at it but nevertheless, this is how I read it.
While thinking and praying about this I believe God showed me a picture of an x-ray where you could  see the heart. 
This reminded me of the story in the Old Testament when David was anointed by Samuel. It says in this passage that 'man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.'
In our Church at the moment we are thinking about having a heartbeat for Jesus. This all ties in with this picture. Are we so worried about all the outward stuff that we forget about the important things? We don't need to worry about what we wear, or how much money we have, or whether we drive a nice car, or even if people like us. We need to worry about if we have a heart that follows Jesus. We need to remind ourselves that Jesus is the reason for all of the stuff we do. We don't need to try and do lot's of things for God to prove that we are a Christian, instead we need to spend time with God, follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and love others, seeing them through the eyes of Jesus.
Lord help me have a heart beat for you today. Help me not to worry about the outward stuff, but instead to look to you.


Today's reading was in 1 Peter 2. In this passage, Peter tells us that we are a chosen royal priesthood. What an amazing picture, that God chooses us, that God chose me! 
I guess the great news is that everyone is chosen, although it's up to us to allow God to choose us. I know that sounds weird, and I'm probably not explaining it very well so I'll try and simplify it.
Think of a tin of beans on a shelf in the shop. When it gets chosen it doesn't have to do anything except stand on the shelf. The tin has no say in the matter of whether it is chosen or not - it just is.
It's not the same for us. God chooses everyone, BUT it is up to us whether we allow God to chose us. God wants all the people in the world, but if they don't want God to have them then he doesn't! He doesn't force us to be chosen, he doesn't make us do anything we don't want to do - but when we accept his choosing, it changes our lives forever. 
Let's remember that every single person on this planet, no matter what age or nationality, whether they have a belief or not, are chosen by God, and therefore have the opportunity to be part of his family!

Monday 23 February 2015

Liquid Gold...

This morning I read 1 Peter 1. In this chapter, it says that our faith is worth more than gold. At that point I couldn't stop thinking of a picture of liquid gold. 
Imagine the whole world covered in liquid gold. How much would that be worth? I believe that God was showing me this morning that I am worth even more than that. My faith, and my salvation is worth more to God than anything. 
God loved me so much that his son died for me. That is how much I am worth.
So often we feel worthless, or unimportant or even invisible. But my God that says this is a lie. My God loves me not because of what I do, but because I am worth it. My God loves me not because of my accomplishments, or lack or accomplishments, but instead because I am his child.
If you are reading this and feel worthless, or unimportant or invisible - you are none of those things to God. He thinks you are so important that he sent his son to die, he thinks you are worth the cost, he sees you!

Saturday 21 February 2015

God breathes...

Today I read James 4. In this passage James warns that we need to be careful what we ask for and especially the manner we ask for it. We should be careful that we are not asking God for things with the wrong motives.
While reflecting on this, God 
showed me a really vibrant picture of the breath of God going into someones mouth. But then he also showed me a second picture which was disturbing. It was of a Harry Potter dementor sucking the life from someone, which is described in the books as a kiss.
These pictures are worlds apart. God breathes life in and the dementor takes life out. 
This made me think about James 4, what do these pictures have to do with this reading? When we ask for the things of this world for our own benefit, so often these things are a disappointment and end up sucking the very life from us. In contrast, God wants us to have 'life in all its fullness.' Therefore we need to ask God to breath his life into every aspect of our lives. 
I pray that God will breathe his breath into every aspect of my life today - and not let the cares and worries of this world become like a dementor.

Friday 20 February 2015

Cwtch, hug, cuddle...

Today I read James chapter 3. In this chapter James warns us to watch what we say. He reminds us that our tongues are powerful weapons, dealing out love and hate from the same place. 
As I reflected on this passage and asked God what he wanted to show me today I felt such a peace. I felt as though I was having a heavenly cwtch, or for those that are not Welsh, a heavenly hug. 
God reminded me that sometimes we need to focus on him and not worry about anything else. Sometimes we just need to spend time with our heavenly dad and know that he loves us so much that he just wants to spend time with us too. 
When you sit and spend time with God it changes your outlook on the day. 
This reminds me of the story of Mary and Martha. Martha was running around like an idiot, while Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Martha wanted Jesus to rebuke Mary for not helping out, but instead Mary was congratulated for doing the right thing. 
Do we spend enough time sitting at our Fathers feet? Do we spend time with our Saviour? Or are we so busy 'working for' God that we miss the point? 
When we spend time with our Heavenly Father - we only want to worship him, therefore when we worship him we are too busy using our tongues in a positive manner to use them for anything else.

Thursday 19 February 2015


This morning I was reading James 2. In this chapter James tells us to treat everyone with respect and not just those who are rich. While reading this God gave me a picture that I was a little confused by, it was a picture of a slatted fence.
This picture didn't seem to fit with anything, until God said these words, "see others through the eyes of Jesus, see yourself through the eyes of Jesus". 
If you stand a look through a slatted fence you can't see the whole picture, not until you go up close and look through the gap. Once you look through the gap you can see the whole picture. 
When we look at situations and others through our own eyes we often miss the point. We don't know the full picture and can often see things from a selfish point of view. Although, when we look at others through the eyes of Jesus we see them with love and compassion, and God will help us to see things clearly and selflessly. Equally, when we look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus, we understand who we are meant to be, we see how much God loves us and what our role is in this world. We become less selfish and instead become more loving all round.
I want to see things through Jesus eyes. I want a Godly perspective on my life. Please God let me see things as you see them. Let me love like you love, and let me be what you've called me to be.
Maybe if you are reading this you need to pray the same prayer. Maybe you need to see yourself as God sees you? Just ask God to get a different perspective, take a closer look and move nearer to the fence.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


Today while reading James 1, I felt the Lord give me a picture of pollution. It was of smoke clouding my vision. In this first chapter James writes, 'therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is to prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.'    
When you look up the word pollution it means this: the introduction of something harmful. When I think of pollution I think of smoke in the air, or the smell of something rotting.

As a Christian God wants me to stay away from anything that would pollute my relationship with him. This made me think about what starts today - Lent. So often many people during the time of lent give something up, chocolate, crisps, cake, sugar...etc. Lent is meant to be a time to get closer to God, and not just lower our calorie intake until Easter. 
When thinking about the picture of pollution, it makes me realise that I need to use my time to get closer to God, and to make sure that I don't pollute my life with things that are could take me away from God. What pollutes your life? What takes your eyes off God? Maybe this next few weeks of Lent could be the time to think about this and instead of getting rid of the calories for no reason, get rid of the pollution that separates you from God.

Tuesday 17 February 2015


Today I read Philippians chapter 4, I prayed and went to work. I didn't even give God chance to speak, so how could I expect him to reveal anything to me when I haven't spent enough time with him. 
These things happen, and I'm not justifying myself, but they do. But praise God, he decided to speak to me even though I had not been very receptive. 
 This is the picture God showed me this morning -water lapping.
When I see water lapping like this its calming, it makes me reflect, it helps me to focus on the world around instead of all my business. I believe God was showing me that I need to be still, that I need to relax. 
When we get busy, rushing on to the next thing, there has to be a time when we just stop. God wants to be in the busy, but he also wants to have us all to himself. We need to be still and know that God is there, spend time with him and just RELAX!

Saturday 14 February 2015


Today my reading was Philippians 1. This is an amazing chapter in the Bible and while I was reading it on my iPad one word became highlighted. I don't usually take any notice when this happens, but this morning I did as it was such an amazing word - Delivered.
I prayed that God would give me a picture that went with this word, and the picture he showed me was of a hand lifting up a person.
Deliver means a few different things - to deliver a verdict, to deliver a blow, BUT God delivers in a different way - he sets us free, he delivers us from evil! Through God's delivery we are set free from the burden of sin. Praise God!
What an honour to be delivered, chosen, forgiven, loved, redeemed, blessed, saved and Spirit filled. I serve an amazing God who has delivered me from sin not because I deserve it but because he loves me.
I love the fact that God shows me things each day that are so relevant to my life, it astonishes me. These pictures speak to me personally, and to be able to share them is such a blessing. If you are reading this please know that you are/can be delivered if you know/choose Jesus as your Saviour. 

Friday 13 February 2015

Turn a frown into a smile...

Today has been a really busy day, but nevertheless a great day as it's been Kidzone. This year we have started thinking about the fruit of the spirit. This months fruit was Joy.
I wanted to give the children something that would help them understand about Joy, and to remember that Joy is more than happiness.
I prayed for a picture, but today, God gave me a phrase instead - 'Turn a frown into a smile'. I decided to Google this to see if a picture would help me understand the meaning. 

When we have faith in God we can turn any situation into something awesome! It says in the Bible, 
'The joy of the Lord is your strength' Nehemiah 8:10
When we trust in God, no matter what is going on around us we can still have an inner joy. What do we have to be glum (great word) about? Let's face it, when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, when we choose life over death, when we choose forgiveness and being part of God's family, no matter what other situation we find ourselves in - we can be joyful! If you don't know the joy of the Lord - it's easy to get! All you need to do is this:

1. Believe that Jesus died for you, thank him for his sacrifice.
2. Ask him to forgive you for all the bad stuff you've done.
3. Ask him to be Lord of your life and to be your Saviour.
4. Follow HIM!
5. All of the above = JOY

Thursday 12 February 2015

Who's in the mirror?

Today I read Ephesians 5, which has my favourite verse, 'Follow God's example therefore as dearly loved children.' In other words - imitate Jesus in everything we do.
When God looks at me, because of the cross, he sees Jesus, but who do others see? 
God showed me a picture of a mirror today, although the face looking back at me is not my own, but instead Jesus.
Is that what others see? Do other people look at me and see Jesus or do they just see me? What about me? Who do I see when I look in the mirror? 
I want to reflect Jesus in every part of my life, I want others to look at me and see what God sees. I want to look at others and see what Jesus sees.
As a Christian I should reflect Jesus. In my daily life everything about me should reflect the love of God, the joy of God, the peace of God, the patience of God, the kindness of God, the goodness of God, the faithfulness of God, the gentleness of God and the self-control of God. In other words, I should be showing evidence of the 'fruit of the Spirit'. But am I? My prayer is that I 'imitate' Jesus in every aspect of my life. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Linked together in God!

I know I'm a little late with this post, but better late than never. Anyway, I read Ephesians 4 today. In this chapter, there is much about being united together. As Christians we are meant to be united in Christ. We all serve the same God, and therefore no matter what denomination - we are one in Christ.
God showed me a picture of two hands linked via the fingers. This reminded me of an episode of Friends where Pheobe uses her fingers joined together to explain to the others that lobsters mate for life. She uses this picture to show how they would hold claws. 
Anyway this got me thinking about us as Christians. It's not easy to hold someone's finger like in my picture, just like its not always easy to behave in a Christian manner towards one another - especially if there is a difference of opinion. However, Christ died for all - and we are all one in Christ. Therefore we must forget our differences and be united in Christ, even when it's difficult. Christ reminds us that, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" - John 13:35

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Call my name...

Today I read Ephesians 3. In verse 15 it says this, ...from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.' This is an amazing picture of God knowing us all by name. 
The picture that God gave me was of names being spoken out in the breeze. I believe God was showing me that not only does he know us all by name, but that he speaks out our names constantly, calling us to himself.
What an awesome thought - God speaks my name out, calling me closer to him. He whispers my name on the breeze asking me to hear his voice. 
This reminds me of the story of Samuel - God called him, but he didn't know his voice. In contrast, Jesus speaks of the Good Shepherd - all of his sheep know his voice.
Do I recognise the voice of God in my life? Can I hear him calling my name? What about you? Do you know the sound of God's voice in your life? I don't know about you, but I want to hear God's voice and seek his ways for my life. Please God speak to me and give me ears to hear.

Monday 9 February 2015


This morning I read from my favourite letter in the Bible - Ephesians. While reading chapter 2 the Lord showed me a picture of some bricks being built into a wall. As the wall grew I could see a word at the base of the wall which said Jesus. This reminded me of a song - cornerstone.
I believe God was showing me that my life must be built on Jesus. As Christians we must have firm foundations and the only way to do this is by looking to Jesus in all things. 
When we choose to follow Christ, we must build our lives on Jesus. Without doing this our lives will be like the man who built his house on sand - wobbly!
I want to live for Jesus in every aspect of my life - the good bits, the bad bits and everything in between.
Let's live our lives for Jesus today, lets make sure that we have firm foundations and not wobbly ones. Make Jesus the cornerstone of our lives today.

Sunday 8 February 2015 too!

At church this morning we were doing a session on the persecuted church with the children. I was praying for the session as I knew that it was not going an easy subject to tackle with any age group especially those so young. I wanted the children to enjoy their time, but also understand that for many children in this world being a Christian is not easy.
God gave me a picture this morning which sums this fact up - a picture of a heart being pierced with a nail. He told me that when we hurt, he hurts too.
What an awesome God we serve. He loves us so much that when we are sad, he is sad, when we feel bad he knows our feelings and understands our situation.
Whatever I am going through - God is there. Whatever you are going through - God is there. 
So often I hear people saying if there is a god then how can he make this happen or that happen. All I will say in response to this is:
1. If you ask this question and you don't believe in God - then you shouldn't ask this question. By asking this question you are proving that God is real! THINK ABOUT IT - you wouldn't ask a question about things that are not real!
2. God doesn't make things happen - BUT he does allow things to happen - there is a difference! 
3. God feels our pain! 
Remember whatever you are going through - you are not alone. Jesus is only a prayer away!

Saturday 7 February 2015

Jesus is Lord!

Today while out running a song came on my playlist that reminded me of something. It was the spontaneous song from Soul Survivor. In this song I was reminded that "every knee will bow, every tongue will confess...Jesus is Lord!"
God showed me through this song a picture of a megaphone with the words 'Jesus is Lord' coming from it in huge letters. The words continued and just got bigger and bigger!
The Bible tells us that the whole of creation will acknowledge Jesus, that, 'at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.' Philippians 2:10-11
This is great news! Jesus is Lord! Is Jesus Lord of my life? Is Jesus Lord of your life? When Jesus is Lord then all we have to do is rely on him. I want Jesus to be Lord of my life - my whole life! My prayer for you and I today is that we make Jesus Lord over every aspect of our lives and totally rely on him. 


Tuesday 3 February 2015

Slings, Arrows...and even BULLETS!

Over the past few days to be honest I have really struggled. God has given me pictures but no matter I have still felt a little off-par. However this morning God gave me a picture that has really picked me up.
God showed me a picture of a gun firing. The bullet was in slow motion and as I looked it was coming for me. With my hand I swiped it away as if I was flicking a piece of fluff. It was amazing.
This reminded me that we are in a spiritual battle every single day. We need to remember that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. Satan doesn't want me asking God for pictures, or reading my Bible, or praying for others, or pretty much anything that would bring God glory. So we need to remember that God is with us, and even in the height of battle, we can swipe the enemy away! He is defeated! Christ is RISEN! 

Sunday 1 February 2015

The hand of love

While praying today, God gave me a picture of a hand coming towards me with the words, "Come to me all those who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
I was feeling tired and felt that God was telling me to look to him for all my strength and needs. I went on the internet to look for the picture and found that many of the pictures of hands were of fists or pointed fingers, and not open. I believe God showed me this in order to for me to see that his hand is not a hand of negativity, judgement or disapproval, but instead a hand of love, care and concern for his children.
If you are feeling tired or weary today, remember that God's helping hand is only a prayer away. He wants to spend your day with you.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Let your light shine!

Since becoming a Christian, God has spoken to me in pictures although this has been often when praying for others. Over the past few weeks I have been asking God to speak to me each day with pictures. I thought I would blog those pictures so that I can share what I believe God is saying to me as well as to others that might read it. 
When closing my eyes I can see a picture of a lightbulb. the light bulb is changed and then switched on. It is bright, but then the bulb is changed again for a brighter bulb, and finally a third time it it changed for an even brighter bulb.
God showed me clearly that these bulbs are our lights. As Christians we are told to, "let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." 
We need to be so close to Christ in our daily walk with him that he changes our lights to shine brighter. 
When we walk closely to Jesus its his light that shines in us. He enables us to stay calm in the difficult situations, he shows us who to pray for, we begin to see others through his eyes and not our own, we feel his love for others and begin to be a blessing for others.
My prayer today is that my light is a bright light shinning for his glory and that those that I meet today will see Jesus in me.